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Short-Pulse Laser-Assisted Fabrication of a Si-SiO2 Microcooling Device
Micromachines (2021) 12(9)
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Unravelling ultrashort laser excitation of nickel at 800 nm wavelength
Journal of Physics D: Appl. Phys. 54 (2021) 495302
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Deep silicon amorphization induced by femtosecond laser pulses up to the mid-infrared
Advanced Optical Materials (2021) 2100400
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Laser Ablation-Assisted Synthesis of Plasmonic Si@Au Core-Satellite Nanocomposites for Biomedical Applications
Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 592
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Simple and robust method for determination of laser fluence thresholds for material modifications: an extension of Liu’s approach to imperfect beams
Open Research Europe (2021) 1:7
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Short-Pulse Lasers: A Versatile Tool in Creating Novel Nano-/Micro-Structures and Compositional Analysis for Healthcare and Wellbeing Challenges
Nanomaterials 11 (2021) 712
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Pulsed laser removal of tungsten nanoparticle aggregates: Surface analysis and visualization of particle ejection dynamics
Optics and Laser Technology 135 (2021) 106664
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A Laser-Processed Silicon Solar Cell with Photovoltaic Efficiency in the Infrared
Physica Status Solidi A (2021) 2000550
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Assessing the limits of determinism and precision in ultrafast laser ablation
Applied Physics Letters, 117 (2020) 171604
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Laser-induced densification of fused silica using spatially overlapping sub-30fs pulses
Journal of Applied Physics 128 (2020) 083107