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M. Garcia-Lechuga et al.

Amorphization and ablation of crystalline silicon using ultrafast lasers: dependencies on the pulse duration and irradiation wavelength

Laser & Photonics Reviews (2024) 2301327

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N. Ganguly et al.

Ultra-high-aspect-ratio structures through silicon usinginfrared laser pulses focused with axicon-lens doublets

Light: Advanced Manufacturing (2024) Accepted - Online Preview

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I. B. Belyaev et al.

Laser-Synthesized Germanium Nanoparticles as Biodegradable Material for Near-Infrared Photoacoustic Imaging and Cancer Phototherapy

Advanced Science (2024) Accepted - Early Access

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C. Murru et al.

Assessment of laser-synthesized Si nanoparticle effects on myoblast motility, proliferation and differentiation: towards potential tissue engineering applications

Nanoscale Advances (2024) Accepted - Early Access

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