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Bi@SiO2 Core@Shell Composites Formation Based on Laser Synthesized Bi Nanoparticles
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 50 (2024) S1272-S1275
Ultrafast laser ablation of gold in liquids: Effect of laser pulse overlap-induced surface porosity on size distribution of formed nanoparticles
Applied Surface Science 643 (2024) 158662
Nanoparticles based on MIL-101 metal-organic frameworks as efficient carriers of therapeutic 188Re radionuclide for nuclear medicine
Nanotechnology 35 (2024) 75103
Laser-Synthesized Bismuth Nanoparticles with Controlled Efficiency of Photothermal Conversion for Multimodal Theranostics
Bulletin of teh Lebedev Physics Institute 50 (2023) 498-502
Laser-Synthesized Elemental Boron Nanoparticles for Efficient Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24(23), 17088 (2023)
Topological Darkness: How to Design a Metamaterial for Optical Biosensing with Ultrahigh Sensitivity
ACS Nano 17(19, pp. 19338-19348 (2023)
Study of IR Photoheating of Aqueous Solutions of Boron Nanoparticles Synthesized by Pulsed Laser Ablation for Cancer Therapy
Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute 50 (2), 76 (2023)
Structural and electrochemical properties of high quality epitaxial titanium carbide thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition on MgO (111) and Al2O3 (001) substrates
Thin Solid Films 782, 140007 (2023)
Collisional-radiative modeling and radiative emission of tungsten in tokamak plasmas in the temperature range (800-5000) eV
Phys. Of Plasmas 30(9), 093302 (2023)
Evaluation of limits of detection in laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy: demonstration for food
Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy 207, pp. 106760 (2023)